Power Your Way: Affordable Off Grid Solutions Where You Have the Control!

BitPower Inc. is pioneering a game-changing solution, liberating consumers from the grid's shackles. Our innovative approach offers several key advantages:
Price Certainty: Say goodbye to unpredictable utility bills with our fixed-rate energy solutions. Customer Control: Empower consumers to manage their energy needs independently, reducing reliance on traditional utilities.
Reduced Utility Oversight: Decreased dependence on utility companies means more control over your energy future.

Green Energy Off Grid Solutions

Bitpower Inc. employs solar and micro turbines to develop efficient, dependable, eco-friendly solutions, incorporating battery storage for off-grid power.

Solar Power Energy

Utilizing solar energy to generate and store power for consumption.

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Wind Power Energy

Employing micro wind turbines to enable energy generation during periods of limited sunlight.

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Partner with Us

There are a couple ways on how you can partner with BitPower Inc.

If you're interested in partnering with BitPower Inc., there are two avenues to explore: becoming a client seeking to utilize their off-grid energy solutions or considering an equity investment. Let's delve into both options:

1. Client Partnership: Process for Utilizing Off-Grid Energy Solutions:

Contact BitPower Inc.: Reach out to BitPower Inc. through the Learn more button on the website, your interest in becoming a client.

Needs Assessment: Collaborate with BitPower Inc.'s experts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your energy requirements and goals.

Tailored Solutions: Benefit from BitPower Inc.'s expertise in designing tailored off-grid energy solutions to meet your specific needs.

Implementation: Once a customized plan is agreed upon, proceed with the implementation of the off-grid energy solutions at your location.

Monitoring and Support: Enjoy ongoing support and monitoring to ensure optimal performance and address any concerns that may arise.

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2. Equity Investment: Process for Accredited Investors:

Accredited Investor Status: Ensure that you meet the criteria for accredited investors, as specified by regulatory authorities.

Contact BitPower Inc.: Express your interest in becoming an equity investor through the Learn More Button on the website. Engage in discussions to gain a deeper understanding of their vision, strategy, and growth plans

Minimum Investment: If you decide to proceed, be aware of the minimum investment requirement, which is set at $50,000 for accredited investors.

Stay Informed: Stay informed about BitPower Inc.'s performance, attend shareholder meetings, and maintain open communication with the company. Whether you choose to be a client benefiting from their innovative solutions or an equity investor supporting their growth, partnering with BitPower Inc. offers a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainable and off-grid energy solutions.

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Green Energy Off Grid Solutions

Bitpower Inc. employs solar and micro turbines to develop efficient, dependable, eco-friendly solutions, incorporating battery storage for off-grid power.

Why BitPower Inc?

Local Company

BitPower Inc is an Alberta Company, sourcing local solutions

Industry Leaders

BitPower Inc's Team is full of professionals that have backgrounds in technical and regulatory power solutions.

Forward Thinking

BitPower Inc's Vision is not only helping energy reliability and savings today, but also in the future.


Leveraging energy storage alongside continuous energy intake enhances dependability.